Дата: | 12 января 2023 г. |
Если вы инвестор или хотите купить недвижимость в Турции для проживания или для получения турецкого гражданства
If you are an investor or want to buy a property in Turkey for residence or to obtain Turkish citizenship, you must make sure after completing the purchase process that you have the title deed or the so-called tabu.
But what is the title deed?
The title deed ( Tapu ) is an official document that defines the ownership rights of the property for the owner and proves that he is the only person authorized to dispose of this property whether it is an investment, sale or lease.
There are three types of bonds in Turkey:
The real estate easement document
Full title deed
- Transitional Title Deed (Participation Deed)
Real estate easement document:
It is a bond given in cases of construction investments. Where each section of the property is registered, after handing over the engineering plans of the allocated land, and accordingly the construction approval is taken, after which the project is divided into independent sections such as apartments within the same building.
A special bond is organized for each section of which shows the location of the independent section and its information, without regard to whether the construction of the project has been started or not. Building and obtaining housing approval, title deeds are allocated to the property.
Full title deed
They are bonds that record the ownership of real estate after the completion of its construction completely, and the designation of the independent sections in it with obtaining approval to use each section separately, and each section of them is regulated by a complete title deed of its own, proving the ownership of the owner of the bond over the independent section in the aforementioned building.
We note that title deeds and easement deeds differ from deeds of agricultural lands and land allocated for construction in terms of the information contained therein. In the absence of such information in the title deed , this means that the property has not yet obtained the full ownership right or the right of real estate easement.
The title deed includes:
Apartment number or independent section
- The location of the property in the building
- The share of the real estate from the land on which the building is built
But if the number of the independent section, its location, its share of the land, and other information related to it, and its gender are mentioned as a land designated for urbanization, then this means that the property has obtained an easement right, and in the event that the gender of the property is mentioned as a building, villa, or apartment, this means that the property in question has been He obtained the full right of ownership, and this is confirmed by the type of tapu field : full ownership, real estate easement, or transitional ownership.
Transitional Title Deed (Participation Deed)
The two types have been merged in this paragraph, as we find that the two types include more than one owner.
Transitional Title Deed:
It is a common bond in tourist real estate with the aim of spending holidays or specific periods of the year, as the owner enjoys during these periods the right of full ownership of the property, limited to the period of use.
Participation Deed (Joint Land Registry)
The participation deed is one of the somewhat modern procedures, where the property is owned by a number of people, and all the names of the owners are registered in the participation deed, indicating in the deed the ownership percentage of each person of the property. This type of bond is one of the new investment tools in the Turkish real estate market.
In this article, we have provided you with all the information about the title deed that interests you when buying a property in Turkey.
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